Intuition: The Impulse That Stays With You
I've said this over and over: My word for 2024 was Commit.
And the thing I've learned a third of the way through the year is, it isn't just material goals I needed to commit to.
Sure, I had a great knack for avoiding physical things like building my website or eating healthier.
I went into 2024 thinking I needed to commit to DOING more for my business and body.
What I've discovered is I also needed to practice committing to my intuition.
To listen to my impulses.
And I don't mean impulses like "I feel like eating that brownie" (Though trust me, those impulses happen.)
It was more of a commitment to listening to those persistent impulse "pokes" that drive emotion in my body.
As I have listened to them more, I understand now that these intuitive "pokes" do NOT come from my mind or logic.
They're like a gentle pressure nudging my excitement energy to ignite.
And it doesn't go away. It peeks in, says hi and comes back tomorrow to do the same.
It doesn't have a name, it doesn't have words.
So for those of you who may struggle with understanding what your intuition feels like, let me give you an example of what it looks like for me:
We all know I have been in the vain of moving my business forward.
Well, lately, I have had the "poke" from intuition related to my next steps in business.
It feels like an excitement in my chest that is irrelevant of my external situation.
So now that I've caught onto that, I know I'm onto something.
What does my next step look like?
I physically take action based on what feels right, not what I logically think I need to do.
I tried on different ideas.
I tried on the idea of forming an LLC and my emotions dulled -- Not it.
I tried on making a YouTube channel and that excitement turned into anxiety -- Not it.
I tried on public speaking and to my surprise, that excitement expanded -- IT.
So I applied for a local speaking engagement (Wish me luck!)
I still felt that intuition driving my excitement, so I tried on creating my website. -- IT. So I started working on that.
If you find that you have trouble connecting with your intuition, do not be hard on yourself.
TBH, I think we ALL do.
It takes practice to recognize your own guidance system.
We have a lot of clutter clogging the flow, just based on the society we live in, our history, genetics, etc.
If you have read this far, I think it is fair to say you may be interested in following your own intuition.
So where do you start?
How do you connect with your intuition?
First things first:
Learn to distinguish your bodily emotions and your logic driven feelings.
Our emotions are in the body, our feelings are the externalized explanation we have for them.
The "sensation of energy moving in my body" (emotion), can have any amount of meanings slapped onto it.
Maybe I am having a heart attack, I ate too much spicy food, Maybe I'm anxious, maybe I'm scared or I have gas.
But if I focus in on it without a label or story attached, then I can truly see what it has to communicate.
I can speak for my own intuition but I am fairly certain that most people's intuition is the same as mine: An impulse that is sensed in the body.
2. Accept that you are getting to know your intuition.
If you haven't ever paid attention to it, it is a new language you're learning and that is ok.
The only way to get good at recognizing your intuition is to check in with it every day.
Any impulses today? What is the energy in your body showing up as today? What feels good to do based on that?
Practicing sensing your body and connecting with that impulse is key to mastering your own intuition.
3. The very last thing is to not judge your intuitive impulses.
This is where the trust comes in.
The plans I logically create for myself are often VERY different from the plans intuition guides me to.
Logically, if I want to expand my business, I plan out needing a Youtube Channel, an LLC, needing a business plan, etc.
I legit drive myself nuts with all the "needs" that logic provokes.
But my Intuition is telling me something very different.
In this example, I felt better going down the route of public speaking and releasing my website.
4. Your intuitive impulses don't come from a place of WANT or NEED.
They're organic and have no agenda.
If you can attach reason to it, it is likely your mind interfering.
With organic intuition, I feel encouraged to do it, excited to do it, for really no explanation at all.
It just feels like the next right thing to do.
That is how I know I'm onto something.
I hope it helps you-- Please reach out and email me for any comments or feedback!
🩷 Molls