Fate V. Free Will
We can't be an Astrologer without talking about fate v. free will.
And whether you're into Astrology or not - This concept is like Gravity: We are all affected by it.
(Except birds obviously- JK)
My self-created definitions are as follows:
Fate: Some intelligence greater than us has "planned" events/situations beyond our control.
Free Will: We decide the events in our lives.
I did a poll the other day on "X" (formerly, "The Twitters") and this was the result:
Do you believe in destiny or do you believe you determine your fate?
Destiny 20%
I determine everything 0%
Eh, half and half 80%
So my sample population of 5 whole people believe that its a good half and half.
You may be wondering how this helps you become a better human being.
Well, coming to understand your influence on your own life can help you feel more empowered.
It makes for less of a Victim mindset, which in my opinion is the worst mindset to have.
Years ago when I started my personal development journey, this was one of the first conversations I had to have with myself.
I had lived my entire life before that believing I was in charge of everything and left no room for miracles or for the Universe to work its magic.
I felt alone, unsupported, and pressured to be perfect all the time and to "make things happen".
I couldn't just live my life out of fear of making a mistake.
And let me tell you... That mindset SUCKED.
Because at the root of the "its all up to me to make sh*t happen" mindset, is an individual who is scared of life and who feels safer controlling life than learning how to live it.
Your free will is important but man, you have to learn how to be a part of the world too.
And the most special parts of my life have been the serendipitous ones that the Universe threw at me.
They would've never happened had I been willing my way through everything all the time.
I had a conversation this morning with a loved one regarding fate v. free will.
At the end of the conversation of exploring different scenarios and loopholes, we figured out one thing:
We are given "cards" (fate), and how we play them matters (free will), but you have to leave room for surprises (fortune).
Lets take for example this no-name scenario:
A person is born with the not greatest set of cards: low income, absent parent, unsafe neighborhood, tough upbringing, abuse, drugs, etc.
The "cards" this person is born into beyond their control, that is fate.
But what they decide to do with those cards?
That is free will.
But here is the kicker: Life keeps happening and sometimes things come together beyond your expectations.
I call this "Fortune".
Fortune is the degree of good a situation can bring to your life.
Life keeps happening and often, if you choose, it can turn out for the best if you just let life happen.
I'm talking to you, Earth and Fire signs.
If we are trying to control crap all the time, we don't let fortune happen to us.
Here are some tips to dip your toes into the water of "Letting sh*t happen":
MINDFULLY pay attention to when you feel rushed, pressured, unsafe, worried or anxious. Those are the times you start to resort to control.
It doesn't matter what makes you feel this way, what matters is that you catch yourself feeling this way.
Read up on some books/articles on past life regression, near death experiences, New age spirituality, Law of Attraction, Abraham Hicks, etc. These will help to expand your thinking into the existence of a Universal intelligence.
Literally ASK the universe for guidance and let it know you welcome the divine intervention. This is the equivalent to prayer without the religion aspect.
Not to toot my own horn, but Astrology readings can help you see the bigger picture of universal intelligence on paper. It is a good tool to help you see there is a bigger plan at work.
Reach out to me with any questions you might have on the latter!
Not controlling sh*t all the time will literally feel like a rock has cleared from the stream of your life.
Everything feels much more like a flow, and life feels less like a chore.
This is my wish for you.
I hope it helps you-- Please reach out and email me for any comments or feedback!
🩷 Molls