Why You Keep Getting The Short End of The Stick

Just because you're really good at math, doesn't mean you should be a math teacher.

Just because you're good with kids, doesn't mean you should raise several children or have any at all.

Just because you can buy more clothes, doesn't mean you should.

I think you get the picture.

More and more there is an epidemic of people waking up to their lives and realizing that just because they CAN, doesn't mean they should.

This whole mentality is what's landing you constantly in the less than you want pile.

I also call this the settling pile.

In the days of little-blossoming-baby Molly (Well, earlier days - Still growing up here), I would definitely say I fell into this TRAP often:

Following the most common ideas in life just because you CAN.

Several years of trauma healing and deep work changed this in me.

Stick with me here.

When I began to understand Astrology, I learned that my chart is HEAVY on Mercury.

For those who only understand that as mercury poisoning, what I mean is that most of my planets are influenced by a pretty strong Mercury, the planet of logic, learning, reasoning, organization, you get the idea.

AND it is placed in my 2nd house of wealth.

So a lot of what I was aiming to learn, to do, and to strive for in my life, was centered around money - "How much will I make? How much will it give me?" Yada, yada.

AND it was centered on logic: "I am good at xyz, let me go for that", instead of building skills and being creative with things I actually wanted but had no script or logical path for.

Following this, I did my fair share of selling my soul for high-paying, high-power jobs.

I got to the top of my field as a Nurse Practitioner, only to learn one valuable lesson:

Just because I COULD sell my soul and make tons of money... doesn't mean I should.

I was miserable, suffocated, and out of alignment constantly.

I worked hard for my money but it produced nothing more than "stuff" to buy while taking the "stuff" out of me.

The route that is reasoned with "should" often lands you less of what you want.

It just leaves you with more to be desired.

Also, believing in the "should's" also keeps you in the space of what you KNOW.

This is why you feel like you're getting the short end of the stick: If you stick to what you "should" do just because you can, you won't ever get to the place where you could do what you didn't think you could.

Read that one again.

If you stick to what you know you could do, you'll never push yourself to be more.

It leaves no room to discover your life and to live authentically, which often lies outside the scope of what we limit ourselves to.

Knowing the outcome leads to boredom, lowered expectations, and a lot of nostalgia and wishful thinking of what might've been.

Half the time, we are basing our life's image on ideals we are conditioned to accomplish, not what we actually want.

Rise Astrology is all about helping women find their core, listen to their intuition, create authentic goals and to Rise above the bullshit they were either born into or conditioned into.

I created this practice because I fully believe in a woman’s potential to accomplish these things.

The short end of the stick is entirely within your control to do something about.

The following are tips and tricks on how to get past the should's and start transforming your life to align more with YOU:

  1. Train yourself to avoid "shoulds" by using the little things.

I ended up doing this with shopping for starters.

Before, I'd buy something with the thought of "Oh, I should get this, I might end up using it" and alas, I never did.

I realized I only wanted it because it fit inside my Instagram-flavored house-decorating filter.

I trained myself to wait and buy the things I only truly love and want.

The result?

There is much less clutter in my life and my closet, making my environment much more of a sanctuary to me.

2. Discard the first 3 ideas you get when you're brainstorming your goals.

The first 3 ideas we often get are filtered through our social lense.

Discard the first three and you'll notice the next ones require a bit more meditative introspection to come up with.

THOSE are the ones you need to pay attention to.

3. Do a life examination at where you feel like you're settling.

Get honest with yourself.

Does it feel to you as though you could be doing more with your time, career, relationship?

Now instead of just flipping everything upside down in your life, look at where you are able to put in some effort to improve your situation.

Look at the things you have always told yourself you can't do.

Remember, we usually follow the path of least resistance and do the things we feel we CAN do first.

It is a lot easier for someone good at science to sign up for and pass science class instead of signing up for pottery out of interest and learning it from scratch.

At the end of it, what you put in is what you get out of it.

I hope this helps you-- Please reach out and email me for any comments or feedback!

🩷 Molls


You don't need answers; You need better questions


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