Static vs. Signal
I was in Horary Astrology class when I heard this come from my teacher, who stated that reading a chart is like reading "static vs. signal".
It was one of those sentences that hits you and you don't know exactly why but you write it down.
Later, I understood why.
Static Vs. Signal is the constant state of living following your intuition.
Determining what is relevant to your life's plot line and what isn't.
Deciding to provide astrology readings is an example of my own experience with Static vs. Signal.
I choose to do divinatory work for others not only because I find the mysteries of the Universe fascinating, but because it was a constant "call" throughout my life that I finally decided to answer.
I saw the Signal through my life's Static.
And I am STILL getting Signals in other areas like art and public speaking that I am in process of answering to.
Static Vs. Signal is what I wanted to speak about today especially for those women who want to lead a more authentic life but don't know where to start:
It starts with identifying what is Static and what is Signal.
Static feels like heaviness, depression, inhibition, anxiety, things you aren't looking forward to, a feeling of being lost, in a haze, confusion, or going down the wrong avenue.
Limiting beliefs = Static.
Societal expectations = Static.
Comparisons = Static.
Overbooking yourself = Static.
Signal feels like light at the end of the tunnel, uplifting, a feeling of comfort, reliability, "this feels right", excitement.
Internal push you can't explain = signal.
Higher emotions like excitement or joy = Signal.
Curiosity = Signal.
Clear motivation = Signal.
Signal is simple. It is often inexplicable, body based, lacks logic/thought, but not motivation.
If you notice my examples, it is Static that has a lot of logic backing it or mental blockages/excuses.
If these examples are not thorough enough it is because you need to look at all areas of your life and ask yourself some important questions to determine what is Static and what is Signal.
What is the noise crowding your life?
What is coming from others and not from YOU?
What does your ideal life look like if you DIDN'T have endless influencers composing that image?
What do YOU feel is your innate plot line in this life?
Do you want a life or do you want YOUR life?
What do you keep coming back to even if it lacks logic?
For those business aspiring women who are healers at heart like me, in order to provide the service of healing to others, you need to understand what your own Signal looks like.
If you can't identify it in yourself, there is little hope of helping someone identify it in themselves.
In my trauma education, much of our curriculum involved sorting our own Static, in order to be the conduit to help someone else sort through theirs.
And also, sometimes following your Signal, might lead to "nothing" for a bit.
Sometimes Signal in the moment just leads you to a reprieve, a space of waiting for the next impulse- It doesn't have to be constant action. (I learned this from my spiritual healer, Thanks Wendy!)
Just following the impulse to get away from all the BS Static impeding our lives is NORMAL. This "space" is often necessary to hear the NEXT Signal.
We forget that just merely asking and waiting for inspiration, impulse, or opportunity is often a spiritual tool.
These spaces however are part of the journey to following Signals, too.
Now, I don't mean doing NOTHING like this guy:
But if you aren't getting caught up in the Static, you can catch your breath, reconnect, monitor, and be present with yourself until the next Signal comes along.
Then, you will have understood the assignment. 💃
I hope this helps you-- Please reach out and email me for any comments or feedback!
🩷 Molls