Breaking Your Own Cycles
Karma is a real thing - And TBH, I didn't believe in it before I began to study Astrology (which is really just the art of reading Omens).
It helped me to see Karma as a totally different thing than I thought.
Everything we do puts energy out into the universe and it always comes back to us.
Whether you believe in the grand idea of it all, behind the scenes there is a checks and balances going on energetically and whether we come to see if in this lifetime or the next, it comes back to us.
When I am reading for clients, there are definite patterns people are born with in this life that don't even have origins in this lifetime. We carry things with us as Karma.
The most obvious examples of Karma can be seen in your every day life.
The majority of the life you have today is based on what the past you sowed for your future.
We have all heard the words on social media "Break your generational cycles", but that doesn't just include family trauma.
That slogan also includes breaking the crap cycles within yourself, for yourself.
Do it for the future-you that has to deal with the outcome of what you do today.
And hey, here is another idea: If you are planning on making some risky decisions, at least get consent from your future self.
Check-in with them and see if they agree with it. If they can handle the repercussions of you going into debt, or moving to a new city, then you will have successfully started a "good" cycle.
It works that way with every investment you make for yourself.
If you quit your job today, present-you might feel relieved, but what about future-you? What promises or investments can you make to otherwise appease or set future-you up?
Every choice you make now, guaranteed affects two people: You and future-you.
Does it help to think of yourself as an entirely different person who you are either helping or screwing over? Then do that.
For example, future-me doesn't like the idea of putting my life on the internet. Present-me is all for it, but future-me? She doesn't want it. Not in even the slightest interest.
So I have decided to invest into methods of marketing like writing, live speaking, social clubs, and hosting workshops.
When it comes down to it, you can control your contribution of energy into the world, which in turn rewards your own life later.
I hope this helps you-- Please reach out and email me for any comments or feedback!
🩷 Molls